Monday 24 June 2013

Simon Hughes presses minister over sale of new homes to foreign buyers - London SE1

Having seen a number of changes in recent years, the real estate scene in SG, is turning into a new facade, in which PSF alone may not be sufficient to necessarily justify that the choice was wise. I came across this article which Although contradictory, does brings forward some alternate points to consider. Read on..

Simon Hughes presses minister over sale of new homes to foreign buyersLondon SE1The Bermondsey MP called on the Government to look at measures adopted by other countries to encourage the sale of new homes to local buyers. He said: "Singapore and Denmark have taken action in recent years, and I understand that Australia, Canada, ......Simon Hughes presses minister over sale of new homes to foreign buyers - London SE1

Hope you found this sort of article very helpful. Here's a few more alternative sources which I have found online in the links below.

Check out additional similar resources related to singapore properties for sale by owner